
The Master duration is one year, that corresponds to 60 ECTS-credits that are equivalent to 1500 hours of study divided into:
20 credits of lectures subdivided into:
- lessons by university teachers and specialists in the field of nutraceutical products.
- seminars entrusted to specialists in the field of nutraceutical products from industry and government agencies assigned to the control of nutraceuticals
- visits to the most important Italian companies producing nutraceutical products
- individual preparation
1 credit corresponds to 25 hours and is subdivided as follows: N. 8 hours of classroom lectures, N. 2 hours of visits to factories or workshops, N. 15 hours of individual study.
36 credits to be achieved through a stage
During the stage the student carry out a research project in one or more industries operating in the field or in laboratories of the University of Pavia, or in public and private Institutes.
4 credits aimed at writing a thesis under the guidance of a teacher of the Scientific Council of the Master.

The Master will take place in Pavia, at the Department of Drug Science of the University of Pavia - School of Pharmacy, Via Taramelli 12.
The enrollment in the master is in September-October and the beginning of the master is in February.
- The lessons are on Friday and Saturday (two weekends /month from February to June: total 10 weekends).
- The stage lasts six months (from February to July).

The frequency of the students in various didactic activities is compulsory for at least 75% of the total number of hours expected. The training period cannot be suspended.

The assessment of learning will be based on the following items:
- Oral or written exam to be held at the end of lessons in order to check the acquired skills.
- Oral discussion of the thesis.